Let us know what is the result of worshiping a girl of which age during Navratri. In Devi Bhagwat, nine girls have been described as incarnations of Navadurga. For this, girls should be worshiped from two years to 10 years. The girl of 2 years is called Kumarika, the girl of 3 years is called Trimurti, whose worship is done with finances, the age and over all power is increased. By worshiping it, there is happiness and prosperity in the house. By worshiping four year old girl Kalyani, problems related to marriage are solved. Health issues are resolved by worship of five years old girl Rohini.

By worshiping six year old girl Kalika, our enemies come to an ended. By worshiping seven year old girl Chandika, one can gain VICTORY, PROSPERITY and FAME. By worshiping eight year old girl Shambhavi, problems and troubles gets ended. By worshiping nine year old girl Durga, one gets relief from many diseases. By worshiping 10 year old girl Subhadra one attains salvation. In Devi Bhagwat, these NINE girls are considered to be the true embodiment of Kumari Nav Durga. Girls above 10 years of age should not be included in Kumari Puja.